Getting Started


To install this package, run:

npm install -g chic.js


1. Create a new SvelteKit app

chic new MyApp

To style with Tailwind or Bootstrap, simply use the styled with [framework] argument:

chic new MyApp styled with tailwind

2. CD into the new app directory

cd MyApp

2. Scaffold a new resource

This will generate the model, pages and API routes for your resource:

chic make Book title:string author:string description:text

3. Start the development server

chic s

Go to /routes to see the generated pages and API routes

Other commands:

Add a new page

chic add /about

Add a new component

chic add ContactForm

👉 See all commands here

Chic.js is free and open source software released under the MIT license
© 2023-2024 Mark Schellhas (Svelte Safari) and contributors.